Lincoln Park High School

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Transcript of Robocalls » December 8, 2017

December 8, 2017

Good Afternoon Lincoln Park High School Families,

This is Mr. Mercer calling regarding dismissal from school. As the weather gets colder, many students try to stay in the building well after dismissal to wait for rides or hang out with friends. Unfortunately, we do not have an after school program where students can be supervised. Because of this, all students must be out of the school by 3:00 unless they have an appointment with a staff member or are participating in an after school activity. If students are participating in an after school activity, they must remain in the designated area. This has to be honored in order to maintain student safety. Your cooperation in this is greatly appreciated.

Finally, the Food Services department has issued new guidelines for students charging their meals. Please visit the high school website in order to view those guidelines along with information on the breakfast program. They can be found at under communications.

Thank you and have a great weekend!

A full transcript of this message can be found at by clicking on the LPHS page and then parent communications.