Transcript of Robocalls » State Testing

State Testing

Good Evening LPHS Families,

Tomorrow begins state testing for students at LPHS. All of these assessments are graduation requirements. On Tuesday, 10th and 11th graders will report for PSAT and SAT Testing. Students are required to be in their testing locations by 7:50 am. 10th graders will finish at approximately 11:00 and 11th graders will be done by 12:45. Students will be free to leave the building at that point. All testing locations for Tuesday and Wednesday are posted in the hallway outside of the main office.

Tuesday morning, an assignment will be sent to all 9th grade email addresses. This assignment must be completed in order to mark students as present for the school day. If the assignment is not completed, students will be marked absent for the full day. Seniors attendance will be based on attendance at the mandatory field trip on Tuesday or Wednesday. Seniors whose last names begin with an A-K will report on Tuesday morning at their regular time for the field trip to WCCCD. Students with the last name L - Z will report on Wednesday for the same trip.

On Wednesday, 9th and 11th graders will report at their regular times for state assessments. These students must report by 7:50 am. Lunch will be provided for students taking assessments. All students, including 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th graders must report by 12:20 for hours 4 through 6.

On Thursday, the entire school has a half day for parent teacher conferences. Conferences will be held from 12:00-3:00 and again from 5:00-8:00.

Friday will be a regularly scheduled school day.

During testing, all students are required to either not have their cell phones on them, or have them off and turn them into teachers as they enter their testing room. If a cell phone should go off during any testing, the student will be removed from the testing location.

Student attendance is critical during these testing days. We know that our students are prepared for these assessments and that they will make us proud. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work through this week.