Transcript of Robocalls » LPHS Message 8-15-2016

LPHS Message 8-15-2016

Good evening, this is Jennifer Borg, Principal of Lincoln Park High School. A welcome packet was mailed home earlier this month, which included information about our upcoming registration.
Registration will be held this Thursday, August 18 in the cafeteria. Please note the following registration times: juniors 8 – 9:30, sophomores 9:30 – 11, and seniors 11 – 12.
Freshmen orientation will begin at 9 am in the HS gymnasium. Freshmen will receive their schedule and get their pictures taken at the end of orientation.
Students will need to bring the pre-printed emergency card that was mailed in the welcome packet, with them to registration. Any changes or corrections can be made to the card. If you have any questions please call the main office at 313.389.0234 ext. 21821
Please sign up for “Remind” to receive reminders from the high school by texting the message @ake7a to the number 81010. This information can be found in the welcome letter sent home earlier this month.
Also, if you have not done so already please consider going to the Lincoln Park High School website to participate in a survey. The high school is going through the AdvancEd accreditation process this upcoming school year and is seeking feedback from parents.